5 Instagram Accounts that Will Leave You Creating Constantly
April 21 2015
Written by Kimberly Holloway
April 21 2015
Written by Kimberly Holloway
If you're anything like myself, you probably check your Instagram feed far more than your Facebook. Users are allowed to be more creative with their posts which gives the IG platform a more pleasing aesthetic and is ultimately more fun to use. After converting my personal Instagram account into a storefront for my paintings and creations, I started to build relationships with fellow artists and stores. None of these people grew up in my hometown, went to my alma mater (hotty toddy, people), or lived down the street. They are complete strangers from all over the world that inspire me daily (think @thefatjewish of the art world) while I cook, decorate, and make art.
After moving into my new house as a married 'Mrs.', I began to nest in my new abode located in Mobile, Alabama. I threw every piece of artwork, picture frame, and mirror that I already had onto my walls, yet, there was still plenty of empty space. You'd think an artist would have lots of paintings... nope. Because I'm my own worst critic, it's very rare any favorite painting of mine doesn't get painted over (art ADD). What you'd expect the macho-est's of husbands lovely bachelor pad to look like was a real decor challenge. It once housed hundreds of beer bottle caps, tons of unsorted mail, and about 6 pieces total of college keepsake furniture. I naturally took to Instagram for inspiration to create new paintings, decorate a little differently (you should see my living room, GOSH), and spray paint random household objects metallic gold (goes excellent with navy and different blues). Some pieces serve as accent pieces and compliment furniture or art I already own while my other creations are the stars of the room.
Below is my Top 5 list of Instagram accounts that inspire me every. damn. day. Whether I'm creating new artwork to sell in my gallery or hang in my house, I can't hide that all of my work is inspired by others around me. I hope you enjoy these accounts as much as I have and that they too inspire you to get creative! Feel free to message me your favorites and I'll be sure to check them out!
K I M B E R L Y Z.
Gray Malin, a southern California fine art photographer, captures mind blowing aerial photographs of every day life from all over the world. His compositions consist of vivid colors and exotic landscapes while seizing the existence of humanity sort of like a Where's Waldo children's book. Gray has a heavy list of collaborations with nationally recognized brands like Sperry® shoe company.
Photos Courtesy of Instagram User @graymalin

Here's to one of my favorite artists who has no limits when it comes to his canvas.
Christian Watson, an illustrator based in Oregon, mixes fine works of art captured with detailed photographs that portray a bit of the artist, his process, and his masterpiece. Go ahead and switch to the list view for image viewing pleasure. You don't want to miss a single post of Christian's.
The beautiful @1924us photographs will be sure to leave you pondering new compositions and subjects for your next project. The possibilities are literally endless!

Photos by Instagram User @1924us

Alright ladies, if you love fashion this artist is one you want to be sure to follow. Blair Breitenstein is one rocking 20-something that pumps out bold fashion illustrations on the hour. Her work is inspired by an obsession with Brigitte Bardot, her travel-friendly watercolor kit, and current/vintage runway trends.

Blair is known to use a variety of mediums (lipstick, blush, etc.) in her paintings. Her use of line and color challenges me to break outside of the mediums I always use in my own work. One neat thing about Blair's page is that her posts consist of a mix of her own work, what inspires her, and her daily adventures. In the past 6 months, Blair has moved to New York City, live illustrated at New York Fashion Week, and sat next to Oscar de La Renta to see his show. I'd say her hard work is really paying off.
Photos by Instagram User @blairz

If you're a fan of Andy Warhol, then be sure to check out this goofy 40-something who's definitely shaking things up in the fashion and art world. Meet Donald, a father, art director for SmashBox Cosmetics, and my favorite weird artist of IG. Donald illustrates amazing gesture drawings using bold colors, minimal but distinct lines, and an array of every day household items as his canvas. My favorite is this vintage white Cadillac turned shaggin' wagon :)

With an appearance on The Today Show, 135K followers on IG, and high profile customers like Kim Kardashian, Donald is building an empire... one gaffer tape roll at a time.
Photos by Instagram User @drawbertson

I love the abstract paintings featured in @studiomcgee posts. They accent rooms by adding the perfect touch of bright colors and raw textures. Plus, they post really engaging behind-the-scenes photos of their studio and employees.

Photos by Instagram User @studiomcgee